Caren Mattson
Bean Master
Caren took a high school accounting class on a whim and found her calling. The numbers had to balance, there were definitive right and wrong answers — it all seemed so natural to her. Her affinity for financial control and smooth operations carried her from the wilds of Alaska working for Reeve Aleutian Airways to a food broker in Bellevue, Washington and beyond. Then she had quadruplets, and life got really interesting. Caren put her organizational skills to work, building elaborate spreadsheets to keep track of the needs of her four babies and older son. You could say her work at Toolbox is child’s play in comparison, and you’d be right, but Caren likes keeping the creatives and clients in line.
Without Caren, the Toolbox A-Team would be a C minus at best. She’s the bedrock of the operation, sucker punching all the details wherein the devil lurks: bookkeeping, managing vendors and payroll, running accounts payable and receivable, and reporting taxes. Caren genuinely enjoys helping people and approaches challenges with the unflappable composure of a sensei.
Passion Projects
AWE Border Collies Owner, animal and baby photography, being the family Historian
Joe Cocker, Fiddler on the Roof, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, Border Collies, Thai food, Excel, finishing the taxes and merry-go-rounds.
Acid rock, stuffed bell peppers, accounting software that tries to do everything and roller coasters.